Plan plan plan! Plan out what you plan to eat for the month, week or for the next couple of days. Make your grocery list, then hit the store. Make sure you are planning for all three meals AND snacks. You don’t want to eat great for breakfast and lunch then about 3pm need to […]
Build Your Roadmap to Your Fitness Goal
Fitness goals are just like taking a trip. You need to know how to get there. You don’t get in your car and drive across the country for your family vacation without a map so why would you do the same with your fitness goals? If you are serious about getting fit you will need […]
Drink More Water!
Water helps your body do EVERYTHING! It lubricates it and is needed for every major bodily process. Helps keep your digestion flowing Helps flush out toxins Keeps your system balanced Helps control hunger Helps keep your skin looking good You should drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water every day. So, if you […]
Running & Fun
Running and fun are two words that rarely come out of my mouth in the same sentance. Unless the word NOT is present. However, today I did a 5K with some friends and had so much fun. Yes I said it, I had fun running. Now if you are sitting there thinking I actually ran […]
1 Down, 7 To Go
It’s the end of the first week of my 8 week Paleo Challenge and all in all I’ve done well. So far my husband and kids haven’t had an issue with any of the menus. They haven’t really noticed the missing grains or dairy. Sugar hasn’t been an issue since we did away with it […]
Big Girl Panties
Last Wednesday marked the final Cornerstone CrossFit class for me. I had mixed feelings about it, I feel I’m ready for a real WOD but then again I’m worried that I won’t be able to do it. I know how I am and sometimes my brain forgets that I’m not that 16 year old gymnast […]
Broken Butt?!?!?!
Still loving CrossFit and still doing well on the Lurong Paleo Challenge, however, tonight I literally broke my butt! Seriously I really did break my tailbone, and I’m sitting here dying laughing about it. I know I know, its not funny, but really it is and I would pay good money to have a video […]
New Year – New Person in my mirror
As I look in the mirror I’m just a bit puzzeled. Who is that? Why is she in my mirror? Where am I? I think “wow she could stand to loose a few pounds and lay off the ding dongs.” Then it hits me like a ton of bricks… OMG THAT’S ME!. I try […]