Plan plan plan! Plan out what you plan to eat for the month, week or for the next couple of days. Make your grocery list, then hit the store. Make sure you are planning for all three meals AND snacks. You don’t want to eat great for breakfast and lunch then about 3pm need to run to the snack machine. It really throws a wrench in what you are trying to do for your body.
To ensure that my family is eating clean making food from scratch is an essential part of my life. Were those groans I heard? Don’t let cooking from scratch scare you or make you shy away from eating cleaner. I’m able to do this by meal planning, it’s hard to stay consistent at serving your family from scratch home-cooked meals without a plan. Learning how to meal plan is a necessity if you want to stay sane and keep food affordable. Having a schedule of what you’re planning to eat for each meal and snack will help you save time while sticking to a clean eating diet.
When planning your meals don’t try to be Wolfgang Puck or Julia Child. Start simple, use tried an true recipes and ones you know your family will like. Plan a leftover night, unless you are using your leftovers for lunches then you may not have enough to feed everyone.
I’m going to let you in on a little secret….I plan for my plan to not work out exactly as planned so I have 2 meals that I always have the ingredients on hand AND they don’t take much time to whip up.
Do you meal plan or do you fly by the seat of your pants?